I'm going to note my symptoms for the record, for future cycles too just to remind myself. It's true anything goes. I cracked and went on the website today and read and read all the predictable stuff. One poor woman was bleeding and HCG was clearly dropping yet there were still replies saying don't give up hope, I'm sure your levels will go back up. Who is she trying to convince really? Then of course one stumbles over the inevitable m/c and I remember why I'm staying away. Before I log off I spot one post that says 'the 2 week wait either consists of pre menstrual symptoms, early pregnancy symptoms, supplementary progesterone symptoms or a combination...one never really knows'...so true! So I made a swift exit.
I had to wee on an old test I have in my drawer, it's sensitivity is 50mUI/ml, it was late afternoon and I had last passed urine an hour earlier so the chances of 2 lines was zero, I just couldn't bare it any longer and worried I might use it tomorrow which would be inconclusive due to timing and low sensitivity so now it's gone in the bin and I feel like it's proof trigger shot gone too. Such a relief. I then bought a & 25mUI/ml test for Friday to give me an indication of the phone call coming on Friday night. I have such a lot riding on next week, people are waiting for a few decisions and I need to decide by midday. Anyway, if its negative on Friday, first wee of the day then am going to commit to a few things and having to wriggle out of them if I get a surprise positive on the blood result 12 hours later is unlikely but a welcome dilemma.
Symptoms; boobs and tummy are much more comfy since 2-3 days post ET, I've had no spotting post ET or at all yet. I am hoping that I my tummy with get it's bloat back and boobs will reinflate but I know it's not the end of the world. Bowels are a bit crazy, I'm so used to progesterone decline after day 21 on a normal cycle it's weird not feeling the inevitable relief from constipation and big cramps. I've had lots of cervical cramps which is always the ultimate sign for me that period is coming but nothing due to progesterone, feels strange, usual I start spotting day 26 so I'm checking a dozen times a day and every time I wake to go to the loo at night for spotting, it's impossible not to expect blood. Headaches, nausea, you name it I've had every symptom I normally have this month minus spotting but in a different order so hopefully next time this will remind me how it's impossible to tell!
The above link is good. It's a reminder that even if you don't do a urine, home test, that the blood HCG level does not confirm anything but it takes 2 at least to say with any confidence a pregnancy is there and one alone can just be a chemical pregnancy, then it's all a matter of waiting for more tests and scans. I can completely understand now the women who say that it's not until you hold a baby in your arms after IVF that you can even start to breath a sigh of relief, even if confidence creeps in after the 12 week mark it's mixed with fear and doubt. A chemical pregnancy is a good sign anyway so I'm still hankering after a positive test on Friday that this is isn't over yet.