Saturday, January 15, 2011

Transfer due today

Thank you all for reading and your lovely messages and comments. Dr P was fairly reassuring about blood stained CM but as my love-hate relationship with websites continue I learned that the progesterone pessaries make you feel very crampy and as what goes up must come down, it's normal to get some 'residue' and post EC very normal to have a little bit of blood.

Dr P said they had graded the embryos and all 7 are still with us. I wondered how many were Grade A but of course it's different here and they use numbers. 1-4 with 1 being worst and 4 being best. Dr P said he was pleased, there were 4 level 3, 2 level and 2 and 1 level 1. I'm disappointed there are no level 4's but he couldn't see why and said it was fine. So we shall see...vamos a ver!

I tried to relax yesterday but found it too difficult and ended up feeling worse. I had planned to have acupuncture as this seems to be thing thing to do. I always thought I'd give myself every chance and take all the advice. But, as anyone living abroad will know, trying to find a reputable practitioner in... anything, at short notice, in a foreign land, is not easy and can be very stressful so in the end I decided it would be counter productive. It took me months to find Dr A (when this blog began) and she really was a one trick pony, there's no way she would understand what I needed. I suppose I'll just save that for next time, if we are lucky enough to get a future frozen cycle out of this. I can imagine that leading up to that without all the injections and EC it would easier to prepare my body, optimise my chances etc.

So if it all goes ahead as planned today (what is the plan? no one even knows yet) then maybe I will feel relief when I get home safely and surely relaxing then is important. I really need to stay off those websites they wind me up OR even better, learn not to get so wound up and not take everything I read to heart. At the moment, distraction is my relaxation and so I'm off to watch some downloads from the UK, the more ridiculous the better!

1 comment:

  1. Stay off the websites. Good luck, try to post as soon as you feel up it.
